How activities on Kialo Edu align with National Curriculum for England standards: Key Stage 3 English

Spoken Language
Pupils should be taught to
speak confidently and effectively, including through these standards.
Pupils should be taught to write accurately, fluently, effectively and at length for pleasure and information through these standards.
Grammar and Vocabulary
Pupils should be taught to develop their understanding of the concepts set out in English Appendix 2 through these standards.

Activity on Kialo Edu:

Composing claims

Skill trained:

Writing in an academic style, including standard grammar and orthography, domain-specific vocabulary, and suitable tone

  • Apply their growing knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and text structure to their writing and select the appropriate form.
  • Draw on knowledge of literary and rhetorical devices from their reading and listening to enhance the impact of their writing.
  • Plan, draft, edit and proof-read through:
    • considering how their writing reflects the audiences and purposes for which it was Intended.
    • amending the vocabulary, grammar and structure of their writing to improve its coherence and overall effectiveness.
    • paying attention to accurate grammar, punctuation and spelling; applying the spelling patterns and rules set out in English Appendix 1 to the key stage 1 and 2 programmes of study for English.
  • Draw on new vocabulary and grammatical constructions from their reading and listening, and use these consciously in their writing and speech to achieve particular effects.
  • Know and understand the differences between spoken and written
  • language, including differences associated with formal and informal registers, and between Standard English and other varieties of English.
  • Use Standard English confidently in their own writing and speech.

Activity on Kialo Edu:

Using visual argument-mapping structure, including sources feature

Skill trained:

Writing arguments with valid reasoning and sufficient evidence

  • Write for a wide range of purposes and audiences, including:
    • well-structured formal expository and narrative essays.
    • notes and polished scripts for talks and presentations.
    • a range of other narrative and non-narrative texts, including arguments, and personal and formal letters.

Skill trained:

Locating, evaluating, and citing sources of information

  • Summarise and organise material, and support ideas and arguments with any necessary factual detail.

Activity on Kialo Edu:

Creating an in-depth topic map or essay/presentation outline

Skill trained:

Planning for essays or presentations

  • Plan, draft, edit and proof-read through amending the vocabulary, grammar and structure of their writing to improve its coherence and overall effectiveness.
  • Write for a wide range of purposes and audiences, including:
    • well-structured formal expository and narrative essays.
    • notes and polished scripts for talks and presentations.
    • a range of other narrative and non-narrative texts, including arguments, and personal and formal letters.
  • Summarise and organise material, and support ideas and arguments with any necessary factual detail.

Activity on Kialo Edu:

Interacting with others and/or others’ work

Skill trained:

Developing discussions and collaborations with peers, in which students build on one another’s ideas

  • Participate in formal debates and structured discussions, summarising and/or building on what has been said.
