Civics discussion topics for the classroom

Holding class discussions on politics can help enhance students’ political awareness and civic literacy, cultivating vital skills for 21st-century learners. With this collection of thought-provoking political discussion topics, you can easily integrate civics class discussion activities into your lessons across curricula!

Many of these civics discussion topics are already available at the click of a button in our comprehensive Topic Library — or you can take inspiration from this list and customize your own discussion. Sign up for free on Kialo Edu and see how you can have engaging, online class discussions with your students today!

Civics discussion topics on civic participation

  • Should voting online be allowed?
  • Is a flawed election better than no election?
  • What is the best mode of peaceful protest?
  • Is proportional representation a better electoral system than the first-past-the-post system?
  • Should there be a mandatory retirement age for politicians?
  • Should there be mandatory training for politicians?
  • Should all citizens be required to vote?
  • Should non-citizens be allowed to vote in local elections?
  • Should citizens have to pass a political knowledge test in order to vote?
  • Should IDs be required to vote?
  • Should there be age limits for voting eligibility?
  • Should 16-year-olds be allowed to vote in general elections?
  • What is the best way to increase political participation amongst marginalized groups?
  • What is the most pressing political issue in the country today?

Civics discussion topics on civil liberties and rights 

  • Is the right to privacy more important than freedom of the press?
  • Should governments accord the same importance to cultural rights as they do to human rights?
  • Should prisoners have the right to vote?
  • Should wealthier countries be forced to accept more refugees?
  • Does the Universal Declaration of Human Rights meet the needs of every country?
  • Should foreign intervention be used to protect women’s rights?
  • Should governments impose population controls?
  • Should governments pay reparations to women?
  • Should LGBTQ+ people automatically be granted asylum in “safe” countries?
  • What is the best way for international organizations to collaborate with governments to improve LQBTQ+ rights?
  • Should there be laws protecting whistleblowers?

Civics discussion topics on educational systems and policies

  • Should students be required to take sex education classes in school?
  • Should education systems place less emphasis on rote learning?
  • What is the most effective strategy to increase school attendance in areas with low rates?
  • Should the Finnish education system be adopted worldwide?
  • Does higher education in Latin America deepen inequalities?
  • Should art and music be taught in school?
  • Should schools provide free meals for all students?
  • Are there too many school holidays?
  • Should schools start later in the day?
  • Should students in the UK still have to take GCSEs?
  • What is the best way for the government to address education inequalities for girls?
  • Are charter schools in the U.S. undermining the public school system?
  • Should university be free?
  • Should there be single-gender schools?
  • Should high schools introduce an hour of free time?

Civics discussion topics on government systems

Civics discussion topics on legal and justice systems

Civics discussion topics on economic policies

  • Should we lower international trade barriers?
  • Should governments provide a job guarantee?
  • Should 10-year-olds be allowed part-time jobs?
  • Are fair trade schemes actually fair?
  • Has China’s global economic power reached its peak?
  • Has the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement been successful so far?
  • Should billionaires be taxed more?
  • Should cash be abolished?
  • Should monetary policy be controlled by an independent central bank?
  • Are trade wars beneficial or harmful to the global economy?
  • Should the African Union have a common currency like the Euro?
  • Should there be a universal basic income?
  • What is the best economic system to live under?
  • Should environmental conservation take precedence over economic growth?
  • Should small businesses be exempt from minimum wage requirements?

Civics discussion topics on environmental issues and sustainability

  • Should single-use plastics be banned?
  • Are electric vehicles a sustainable solution to reducing emissions?
  • Should governments incentivize the use of public transportation over private vehicles?
  • Do rich countries have an obligation to help poorer countries weather climate change?
  • Should we ban air travel to help fight climate change?
  • Should private cars be banned from the city center?
  • Is it realistic to expect governments in the Global South to prioritize climate change action over everything else?
  • Are governments doing enough to fight climate change?
  • Should governments impose a tax on meat consumption?
  • Is it possible to build cities that don’t harm the environment?
  • Should citizens try to sue corporations and governments over climate change?
  • Should there be global standards for waste management and recycling practices?
  • Should Europe expand its reliance on Middle Eastern fossil fuels?
  • Should public transport be free?
  • Are capitalism and environmentalism compatible?

Civics discussion topics on international affairs

Civics discussion topics on media and communication

Civics discussion topics on security and defense policies

  • Is war ever justifiable?
  • Should military alliances like NATO expand to include more nations?
  • Is Japan justified in updating its security policies?
  • What is the biggest threat to global security?
  • Should the use of private military contractors be regulated by international law?
  • Is there likely to be military conflict over the Taiwan Strait?
  • Is torture justifiable in the name of security?
  • Should societies prioritize freedom over security?
  • Was China justified in implementing the national security law in Hong Kong?
  • Should the US have stricter gun control?
  • What is the best way to deal with abusive governments and armed groups?
  • Should the world disarm their nuclear weapons?

Civics discussion topics on public health and safety

Civics discussion topics on religious issues

  • Should religious organizations be tax-exempt?
  • Should religious institutions be subject to the same labor laws as other organizations?
  • Is Islam compatible with democracy?
  • Is Judaism compatible with democracy?
  • Is Christianity compatible with democracy?
  • What is the strongest argument in favor of the separation of church and state?
  • Should religious leaders be barred from holding political office?
  • Should religious leaders have a role in shaping national education curricula?
  • Should governments be allowed to place restrictions on religions?
  • Should modern justice systems include religious principles?
  • Should religious holiday displays be allowed in public places?
  • Should governments allow religious symbols to be worn in public spaces?
  • Should there be legal exemptions for religious individuals?

We’d love to know if you’ve used these political discussion topics with your students. Drop us a line at or reach out on social media!

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