Earth Day classroom resources for discussing environmental issues

This Earth Day, try discussing environmental issues with your students to help them in key areas like language development and critical thinking. Why not try having engaging, online discussions with Kialo Edu to get students talking about our planetary problems?

We’ve compiled a list of debate topics from our Topic Library that focus on climate-related issues. Best of all, all these discussions already have some pro and con points to help students easily get started!

1. Should the government do more to encourage home vegetable gardens?

Climate issues can sometimes seem distant from students’ lives. This discussion on whether home vegetable gardens should be encouraged can build on students’ prior experience with school gardening projects or discussions of healthy lifestyles.

It also deals with important questions about food production and climate in a way that is easily accessible to younger students.

Should the government do more to encourage home vegetable gardens?

2. Could lab-grown meat be a useful tool for fighting climate change?

Looking for a way to ignite student curiosity about climate solutions in your science class? This is a great time to explore our discussion on lab-grown meat’s effectiveness in combating climate change. This would also be a perfect accompaniment to students who have been discussing cell biology or the impacts of animal agriculture on the climate.

Could lab-grown meat be a useful tool for fighting climate change?

3. Is it possible to build cities that don’t harm the environment?

For students studying aspects of design, construction, or urban planning, why not discuss whether it’s possible to build cities that don’t harm the environment?

This discussion is aimed at older students, and you can use it to spark interest or build on previously learned knowledge about green technologies.

Is it possible to build cities that don’t harm the environment?

4. Should governments stop subsidizing animal products?

This discussion on whether or not governments should continue subsidizing animal farming is graded for younger students, but it could easily be adapted for a higher-level business or economics class.

Encourage older students to provide evidence for their claims, and turn this discussion into an opportunity for student research on this important topic.

Should governments stop subsidizing animal products?

5. Should people have fewer children to help tackle climate change?

The reality of man-made climate change raises a number of important ethical considerations. Great for social studies and civics classes, this discussion on the ethics of having fewer children for environmental reasons deals with issues of population growth, human rights, and personal responsibility.

Should people have fewer children to help tackle climate change?

6. Should we begin relocating people from coastlines vulnerable to climate change?

As the topic of adaptation to climate change becomes more prevalent, this discussion presents an opportunity to debate the ethics of relocating people from coastlines. This discussion will be particularly relevant to the many students living in coastal areas, or those from island nations.

Should we begin relocating people from coastlines vulnerable to climate change?

Feeling inspired by these topics? You can also create your own Kialo Edu discussion from scratch, on whatever topic you like. You can debate an environmental or science topic covered in class or something specific to your locality. We have handy guides on crafting a great class debate topics and creating prompts that are sure to get your students interested and engaged during lessons.

This Earth Day, let us help you hold rich, meaningful discussions on the key issues facing our planet. Let us know if you’ve done so at, or on social media!

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