Easy icebreaker activities to engage students

Need a quick, meaningful activity to break the ice or fill time in your classroom? Kialo Edu has you covered with engaging icebreaker debate topics that get students talking and focused.

Best of all, Kialo Edu is completely free, so check out some of our favorite icebreaker debate topics to get students talking while develop critical thinking skills through debate and argumentation!

1. Which are better: cats or dogs?

Let’s start with an undisputed classic that never fails to elicit some strong opinions: Who’s the better furry companion? Talk about a pet issue! Students both young and old are sure to wag their tongues about this topic.

Which are better: cats or dogs? kialo-edu.com

2. Which superpower would be best to have?

Flight? Invisibility? Super strength? Let your students decide which is the superior superpower! They can even flex their creativity and add in their own ideas for superpowers.

Which superpower would be best to have? kialo-edu.com

3. Should kids be able to have social media?

With this Topic Template, you can get younger students talking with an issue that impacts them in real life. Should kids on social media get a like or a ban?

Should kids be able to have social media? kialo-edu.com

4. Which social media platform would be best to ban?

On the topic of social media, is there a platform that we’d be better off without? If society could press the block button on an entire site, which would be best to choose? Middle and high school students that seemingly live on social media will surely have lots to say.

Which social media platform would be best to ban? kialo-edu.com

5. Which video game console is the best?

When students get home, many of them take a fun trip to the digital world. So, what’s the best vehicle for this voyage? Let students game out their opinions in this discussion!

Which video game console is the best? kialo-edu.com

6. Does pineapple belong on pizza?

Our list closes with this lighthearted but provocative debate. This tasty discussion is sure to bear fruit, even if it doesn’t go on pizza!

Does pineapple belong on pizza? kialo-edu.com

These icebreakers will not only have your students engaged and gabbing, but thinking critically — even if it’s about some clearly noncritical question.

Love using Kialo Edu with students? We’ve got a whole host of activity ideas with Kialo Edu that can further students’ critical thinking skills through class discussion!

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