Why I love using Kialo Edu with my students
Find out why Ruth Marx, an A-Level and GSCE Religious Studies and Philosophy teacher, loves using Kialo Edu with her students to enhance lesson content and engagement!
Find out why Ruth Marx, an A-Level and GSCE Religious Studies and Philosophy teacher, loves using Kialo Edu with her students to enhance lesson content and engagement!
Debate and discussion don’t always have to be so serious. Get your students comfortable debating with these fun and engaging icebreakers!
Explore how you can use lateral reading activities and strategies to help students better evaluate sources and enhance their media literacy skills.
Explore these engaging social media debate topics to captivate students with relatable discussions while enhancing their critical thinking skills!
Explore our 500 classroom debate and argumentative essay topics, categorized by age and subject. Complete with background info and starter prompts.
Browse topicsClass discussions can be a breeze when doing them on Kialo Edu! Here are the many advantages of having an online class discussion and how you can incorporate them into your lessons.
Here are five activities to get your students identifying, analyzing, and evaluating fact and opinion statements.
Explore why it’s important to teach students about cognitive biases in this guest blog article from Stephanie Simoes, founder of Critikid.com!